Group classes are a wonderful way to socialize your dog and learn all levels of obedience. In group classes we go over common puppy behaviors, healthy dog to dog play, how to raise a well socialized neutral dog, how dogs learn and communicate, and how to teach them what you would like them to do and motivate them to do it. Contact us or check our facebook page events to see if group classes are currently active as they vary depending on the time of year and get more information on them. Here is a list of obedience commands that are covered in classes. Aggressive or reactive dogs do not qualify for group classes since they need more personal attention.
Obedience Commands -The Settle (How to teach your dog how to relax on cue. Our favorite!! Stops over excitement, anxiety, jumping, barking, frustration, etc.) -Look (Eye contact which is great for getting and keeping their attention) -Name recognition (Teaching them their name) -Sit (Sitting) -Down (Lay down which helps with relaxing) -Off (Getting off of things such as the couch or counter) -Recall (Come when called) -Recall with high distraction (Calling them away from people, dogs, etc) -Loose Leash Walking (Not pulling. We will also learn about training equipment and how to use it.) -Heeling (More advanced walking where they are right by your side) -Leave it (Leaving distracting or harmful things like a snake on the ground, dead animal, medication you dropped, or even dogs and people that they are overexcited about) -Drop it (Dropping things out of their mouth) -Bungee Stay (Leaving them and coming back) -Out of Sight Stay (An advanced stay where you are able to leave their sight with them still staying. This helps with separation anxiety) -Place (A boundary stay where they go to their bed or a designated area and stay until you release them. Good if they get excited when people come over or beg at the table) |